Sunday, 14 November 2010
World Diabetes Day- State of Piura has highest rate in Peru
The State of Piura, in which Yapatera is located, has one of the highest rates of Diabetes in the country, according to news posted by the Peruvian Association of Diabetes today, World Diabetes Day, 14 November 2010. There is a cultural and social context to this fact including the shift to a more sedentary lifestyle linked to a declining number of people employed in agriculture and a cosmology which still links round and fuller bodytypes to health and wealth. A building in the State capital takes a positive spin with a banner that proclaims "I am diabetic!" and today is marked with an awareness campaign and walk which bears the slogan "I am a Super-power diabetic!", participants will be taught about prevention and disease management and encouraged to include exercise in their daily routines. But awareness campaigns and resources will not reach Yapatera, which is 2 hrs and a $3 bus and rickshaw ride away from the capital of the State. Because of the Afro-descendent origins of the community it is likely that people in Yapatera are at an even higher risk of developing the disease. Most importantly, in the absence of adequate monitoring, trained health professionals, targeted campaigns and the internet, Yapatera has no access to information about the impact of lifestyle changes, nutrition, exercise, on preventing and managing the disease. Please help us change this.